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Life... It's Just A Stage We Are Going Through! Violet Flame for Self -Transformation


Updated: Oct 12, 2024

A theater audience watching a past life event on a movie screen

It was Shakespeare who wrote:

“All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players;

They have their exits and their entrances;

And one man in his time plays many parts…” [1]

Shakespeare aptly described life in these few lines. We typically play several roles in every life we live. And during each life we often interact with many people and participate in many dramas – some of great gallantry and achievement while others are less desirable and might make us feel like we need a “do-over”.

After each life, and sometimes even at night while asleep, we often review a part of our most recent or some other past life. This was vividly and often humorously depicted in the movie Defending Your Life [2].

During these reviews, you sometimes sit in a theater-like setting with others and watch these events. And this is where the violet flame plays a role! You will see on a screen how the violet flame, as flames of light, passes through the experience and changes it in answer to your call. This experience is transforming for all who are in attendance and it unmistakably shows the amazing action and grace of the violet flame.

A young couple watches a past life of their children on television
Experiencing Transformation with the Violet Flame!

You don’t have to wait until your life is over to get started on this transformation. You can begin giving the violet flame today to change yourself – and the world! Visit our Violet Flame Resources Page to learn more and begin giving the violet flame for self transformation!

Until we meet again...

Footnotes and other information:

[1] “All The World's a Stage” is an excerpt taken from Shakespeare's play, 'As You Like It' (Act II, Scene VII) the character Jaques speaks about the seven ages of man from birth till death where he sees the world as a temporary stage where all of mankind plays particular roles in seven different stages of life.

[2] Defending Your Life - a 1991 Comedy Drama movie about reincarnation starring Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep


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