The Internet – sometimes I can hardly remember life before it - going to the library and searching through books to write a report, looking up a telephone number in the phone book, waiting for the evening news to get a weather report, stopping at a gas station for driving directions, or even writing and mailing a letter!
Today, so much in our lives has been transformed by the Internet. Technologically speaking, we are all interconnected as data is sent around the world at the speed of light, stored in the cloud, and immediately accessible.
In many ways, the Internet is a metaphor for God and his creation.
As you can see from the picture at the beginning of this article, we each have a cord of light connecting us to the one Presence of God. And because we are all interconnected, everything we send out across "cyberspace" in the form of a thought, feeling, or action affects everyone else.
This is one reason we want to strive to keep our thoughts and feelings positive and uplifting. And it also shows why giving the violet flame is so powerful. As we begin to transform ourselves through its daily use, we literally assist everyone else to do the same!
Are you ready to begin using the violet flame and experiencing transformation at the speed of Light?
Following are a sample of violet flame mantra affirmations, mantras, and decrees to begin your journey. As you begin giving the violet flame and sending your mantras and prayers up into “the cloud” you will begin to transform yourself and the world!
Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray - Lord Byron
Footnotes and Other Information:
Picture credit: from the book “Who is God?” by Summit University Press